Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Aaaaand... curtain.

Welcome to the show, um... whoever's watching. Probably nobody that I'd prefer either way. What I mean, you say? If they're reading this, I probably don't want them to, because I'd get in trouble or something (paranoid!), and if they're not reading this, it's probably the target fanbase I missed by a mile.

But I figure it's time to come clean... (Oh god, already with the double entendre.)

I'm a guy. With a penis. (You think?) And this sex organ of mine influences a good bit of what I do on the intarweb, and yes, this includes looking around to see what entices this sex organ if I'm not out at some wild orgy or with a coy mistress somewhere in the neighborhood. So... honesty, thy name is Goat. And you look at porn on the internet.

Why am I bringing this up now? I'm running out of things to write about, I guess. And since people like to hear about smut, I figured I might as well try to grab people's attention with some of teh NSFW stuffs that they probably couldn't go ten seconds avoiding on a firewall-free internet connection.

That, and this article from cracked provided a little inspiration.

For the record, let's get moving, shall we?

Without delving into my history or what-not, I figured we'd dive right in with exhibit A. I'm not going to discuss any external habits that may occur as a result of viewing this stuff- it's irrelevant for the conversation at hand (/rimshot!).

One spectacle I rarely if ever come across... the golden shower. Referenced in a Garbage song once, the phenomenon of peeing on someone else as a form of sexual arousal never really appealed to me. And when you add in a dash of emotional breakdown and second thoughts about appearing in a pornographic video to be posted online, and you get a debate on the future of humanity.

Golden Shower of Shame - (Link NSFW)

Some of my favorite comments on this video, if you don't bother to read them all:

insomniac87 - "I wonder when exactly I stopped feeling pity for this sort of thing and started getting an erection from it."

JimPanse - "true. the internet turns people into more and more uncaring and unfeeling psychos. i wonder where this will lead us in the next couple of years... ;)"

Phelsu - (in response to JimPanse) "well, a few years ago it lead [sic] to the muchosucko community."

para-bellum - "It's good old escalation at work, you guys. Won't be long before you're actually torturing and killing small animals (Plantshit's probably too advanced for this stage), then the odd random attack on strangers. Stalking's next..."

This little exchange:
"El_Wanko: His pissing was lamer than a japanese cumshot.
Derk: At least he got her all over...really , I got the impression he was watering a garden.
El_Wanko: If I had done it, you'd get the impression that I was on the riot squad and hosing down peaceful protesters."

belisleassylum - "when i feel sad and lonely, i cuddle up with my anal beads too."


But anyway... This all came about because I simply did a search for a simple video of some relatively attractive woman taking a shower. I do not in any way condone humiliating someone by peeing on him or her then posting that stuff on the video. At least some of the viewers became aware of some of their own moral convictions on surfing the web for porn. Or they made a damn good show on it in the comment pages.

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